How long can I keep this dough

Saturday I was making pita when we got a sudden invitation to do something else. I put the dough in a covered container in the fridge. Half of it I used the next day with some fresh flour/water/yeast ti make the pita I was originally going to make, but the other half has been hanging out in my fridge. It smells good but I’m not sure what to do with it now??? It’s way too fermented to bake as is but can I just use it like a poolish? I mean I guess it is a poolish?? I’m totally self taught and mostly through experiments so I don’t have a lot of technical knowledge

Saturday I was making pita when we got a sudden invitation to do something else. I put the dough in a covered container in the fridge. Half of it I used the next day with some fresh flour/water/yeast ti make the pita I was originally going to make, but the other half has been hanging out in my fridge. It smells good but I’m not sure what to do with it now??? It’s way too fermented to bake as is but can I just use it like a poolish? I mean I guess it is a poolish?? I’m totally self taught and mostly through experiments so I don’t have a lot of technical knowledge